The Barrackpore Diaries

Mahadevananda College Barrackpore( Address & Phone Number)

Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya
Address: SN Banerjee Rd, Monirampore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700120
Phone: 033 2592 0577

2 thoughts on “Mahadevananda College Barrackpore( Address & Phone Number)”

  1. in covid times, if i am at different state and i require my degree and its not possible for me to travel then is there any provision for getting your graduation degree? atleast photocopy can be sent to the email id of the student. when somebody in relation goes to the college with admit card even then they are denying to provide the degree certificate. So is there any provision for acquiring degree or student in bad physical condition will have to travel to take her degree?

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